Why Do They Want Me to Watch them Poop?

Why in the world do they want me to watch them poop? Most people like privacy when they are using the commode, but my three kids, they prefer an audience. AND not just your regular onlooker, they want me to be a participatory observer and admirer.

Communication is not Confrontation

Communication is an exchange of ideas and an understanding of what those ideas are. Confrontation is often loud, forceful, and can feel disrespectful.

The Reason Grief Feels Eternal

Your wound is the entry point of the loss. It is agonizingly long in the beginning and then, before you know it, twenty-seven years have passed.

The Light You Seek

We were pregnant together in 2016. Our six children were born within four months of each other. One of our six babies would be born with Down syndrome.

Listen to Me Anyway

I remembered that Isla’s still three years old. And so, I met her where she was. “Listen to me anyway,” I said. “Because I’m your mother.”

What’s On Your Dad’s List?

Don’t tell their husbands and fathers, but we asked our Reality Moms what gifts they were considering for the dads in their life this Father’s Day.