9 Reasons I Love Having Adult Children
rather than dwell on the growing pains of change in our relationship, I prefer to celebrate the positive side of being a parent to my adult kids. And there are so many reasons why…
rather than dwell on the growing pains of change in our relationship, I prefer to celebrate the positive side of being a parent to my adult kids. And there are so many reasons why…
When you have a child with significant special needs, your parenting experience is forever altered, and you are changed.
I bought my teenage daughter Plan B. Then end. It’s no one’s business. She’s under 18 and made the decision to be sexually active.
There are many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and be thankful – and a big meal cooked by mom isn’t the only one.
Elopement is a terrifying word for a parent of a child with autism, and even more so for parents of children who lack verbal skills.
While there were plenty of things we did right on our first family camping trip, there are plenty of others we could have done better.
My best friend of a decade is going through a divorce. She has three young children and ending the marriage was not her choice.
Literally everyone will tell you how hard it is. Our own mothers and fathers were among the first to remind us during some tumultuous moment in our upbringing that we weren’t delivered with manuals.
I spent yet another day at the doctor’s office trying to convince the staff that my daughter is not invisible just because she has special needs.
It’s been a long haul to become the mother of a teen boy. These are five obnoxious things that only moms of boys have to experience.