Don’t tell their husbands and fathers, but we asked our Reality Moms what gifts they were considering for the dads in their life this Father’s Day. This is what they told us:
For my dad, a puzzle game I picked up at Toy Fair and a mug that says, “warning: tells dad jokes at random.” For my husband, I found a tee with a kawaii shark for my kids to give him. If you know anything about my children, you’ll understand why I actually squealed when I found it at TJMaxx. (Mother of Serendipity)
Ukulele lessons. Because he’s musical and needs to express himself in fun ways that don’t involve novelty underwear. (Alison Tedford, Sparkly Shoes and Sweat Drops)
A massage! My husband begs for them and I loathe giving them. (Jennifer Weedon Palazzo, Mom Cave TV)
I’m attempting to make my husband a drawing (or painting if I’m feeling zealous) of our children. I have been wanting to get back into art, and this is a perfect excuse. I also just ordered him a bag for his toiletries, so I got the practical gift covered. (Gail Hoffer-Loibl, Maybe I’ll Shower Today)
For my dad, I’m sending him and my mom to see Roger Daltry perform The Who’s Tommy at a local concert venue. It’s actually my mom’s Mother’s Day present too. For my husband, I gave him the day off last Sunday and he went to go see two movies by himself and I cooked. As he’s the one who stays at home and does all of the cooking, this was big. (On Father’s Day proper, his parents are visiting, so he couldn’t do it then.) I’m also getting him Amazing Tales, a role-playing game for kids that I know he really (legitimately) wants to play with our almost five-year-old. (Shannon Brescher Shea, We’ll Eat You Up We Love You So)
I’d love to get him a boat, but for now giving him a full night of sleep might have to do—which is a lot harder than it sounds. He’s a busy neurocritical care physician and we have three-month-old twins (plus a three-year-old). (Candace Alnaji, The Mom at Law)
Husband is getting a copper frying pan (by request) and my siblings and I are leaning towards getting our dad an ancestry DNA kit because he’s been talking about it. (Britt Burleigh LeBoeuf, These Boys of Mine)
I don’t have a daddy anymore, so no gift for him. For my husband, I’m envisioning some kind of game for his Switch. But I let our son take the lead on the gift so you never quite know what you’re getting. It might be a Star Wars t-shirt. (Brandee Foster, One Crazy Kid)
I think we’ll have some pretty happy #RealityDads (but shhh….don’t tell them.)
My father died last year ? – my sons tend to buy gifts of their choice for their dad—in the past they’ve given him t-shirts, ties, panama hat, cufflinks, swiss army knife, books, cycling socks…! ?(Linda Hobden, Boots, Shoes and Fashion)
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