I’ve Got a Case of the Mommy Mondays

I’ve got a case of the “should’s”. You know what I mean. That icky mommy place where you beat yourself up over all the things your kiddos should be doing?

When I Finally Realized I Had It All

“Women can’t have it all”, they say. “It’s not possible.”I wore that weight for a long time, thinking that I couldn’t have everything my heart desired.

I Didn’t Love My Son Right Away

When my first son was born, it took me a while to love him. I have to pause now and sit with that for a minute. I didn’t feel love for my firstborn son.

potty training

Just Don’t Pee on the Wall!

While I thought that while potty training might take a little time, teaching one tiny human to pee in the toilet can’t be that hard, right?