The Parenting Lesson I Learned From My Youngest
I desperately wanted my kids to have an easier time dealing with the world than I did. But they’ve taught me so much.
I desperately wanted my kids to have an easier time dealing with the world than I did. But they’ve taught me so much.
Homework. There is something about that word, years after I finished with school, that still sends shivers down my spine.
Two of my kids are transitioning to new schools this years. They’re not anxious about academics, they’re worried about losing friends.
Parenting a child with ADHD can feel a bit like you’re walking in the dark—you tiptoe around, unsure of what you will come up against. Sometimes you may say or do something to set off a mini emotional explosion.
Being fierce is a topic that calls for self-reflection. I want my daughter to be fierce, but in a way that speaks to her personality and sense of self.
Studies have shown that early school start times are detrimental to kids health, causing issues with weight, depression, and general school performance.
I forgot today was Library Day for my daughter at school, and here sits her library book on the end table by our front door. I feel awful.
I never imagined how amazing having an older child would be. I’m in the sweet spot. Maturity and innocence wrapped into one. And I am loving it.
My social media feed is filled with back to school photos. And I can tell you just from looking at them whether they’re autistic or not.
As a mum, I kiss and hug Q every morning when I drop
I desperately wanted my kids to have an easier time dealing with the world than I did. But they’ve taught me so much.
Homework. There is something about that word, years after I finished with school, that still sends shivers down my spine.
Two of my kids are transitioning to new schools this years. They’re not anxious about academics, they’re worried about losing friends.
Parenting a child with ADHD can feel a bit like you’re walking in the dark—you tiptoe around, unsure of what you will come up against. Sometimes you may say or do something to set off a mini emotional explosion.
Being fierce is a topic that calls for self-reflection. I want my daughter to be fierce, but in a way that speaks to her personality and sense of self.
Studies have shown that early school start times are detrimental to kids health, causing issues with weight, depression, and general school performance.
I forgot today was Library Day for my daughter at school, and here sits her library book on the end table by our front door. I feel awful.
I never imagined how amazing having an older child would be. I’m in the sweet spot. Maturity and innocence wrapped into one. And I am loving it.
My social media feed is filled with back to school photos. And I can tell you just from looking at them whether they’re autistic or not.
As a mum, I kiss and hug Q every morning when I drop