
Movie Review: The Arrival with Amy Adams

Movies move people when they are great.  And as one who use to love to watch movies often, I have been moved often by what I’ve seen.  Motherhood slowed my movie watching down outside of the movies meant for kids so getting to experience a movie before it even hits theaters is often a treat! Last week, I hosted a show at Movie Tavern in Flourtown, Pennsylvania and I honestly have not stopped thinking about this movie ever sinse!  Amy Adams has been seen in some pretty incredible blockbusters in her time like Enchanted.  Who didn’t love that movie?  Nothing better than being a princess in a movie, right?

Maybe meeting aliens and changing the world tops that movie for Adams. That’s really what happens in The Arrival.  Amy Adams plays a famed linguist and professor named Dr. Louise Banks and is called on by the government to decipher the language and ways of communication that the “Arrivals” live by. Toss in a love story and the cycle of life and you have yourself one of the biggest blockbusters of the year!  Ok, so I’m a bit biased since I’ve seen it and it isn’t even out yet—but I’m telling you that you will walk out of theater and not be able to take your mind off what you saw!

It’s so hard to do a movie review without giving away the plot.  Or the story line even! What I can tell you is that this movie will really make you think about life. About how we as humans communicate with each other and the emotions that are provoked in that communication.  I also find this movie super timely with the state of our country and the big election. It’s not a doom and gloom mixed into a science fiction film. It’s loaded with hope, history and opportunity. Led by a female.  #JustSayin. Dr. Louise (Amy Smart) goes into this movie with nothing to lose.  She’s not married, no kids…etc. But by the end of the movie you will be asking yourself—wait. What if?  What IF you could see your entire life from start to finish, would you do things differently?

Find out more about The Arrival on the Official Movie Site, on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram. You can also subscribe to the YouTube channel!

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