
Dear Mom: I Get It Now

Dear Mom: As a kid, I always thought it was funny that you didn’t get caught up in the hoopla that came with Mother’s Day.

When I Finally Realized I Had It All

“Women can’t have it all”, they say. “It’s not possible.”I wore that weight for a long time, thinking that I couldn’t have everything my heart desired.

Dear Daughter: You Are Strong

It’s been very obvious since the day you were born that you would continue this family trend of strength, and while it makes me proud it also makes me nervous.

Dear Mom: I Get It Now

Dear Mom: As a kid, I always thought it was funny that you didn’t get caught up in the hoopla that came with Mother’s Day.

When I Finally Realized I Had It All

“Women can’t have it all”, they say. “It’s not possible.”I wore that weight for a long time, thinking that I couldn’t have everything my heart desired.

Dear Daughter: You Are Strong

It’s been very obvious since the day you were born that you would continue this family trend of strength, and while it makes me proud it also makes me nervous.