When Is It Appropriate To Ask “Are You About To Get Your Period?”
“Are you about to get your period?” I think the men who ask this kind of question just have not been schooled. So, I laid it out in an easy-to-read format.
“Are you about to get your period?” I think the men who ask this kind of question just have not been schooled. So, I laid it out in an easy-to-read format.
I’d been preparing for YEARS when my daughter had her first period. You would have thought I would have been ready for the main event.
“Are you about to get your period?” I think the men who ask this kind of question just have not been schooled. So, I laid it out in an easy-to-read format.
I’d been preparing for YEARS when my daughter had her first period. You would have thought I would have been ready for the main event.