10 Tips for Taming the Homework Monster
As a parent, I struggled with whether I helped too much with homework, nagged too much or was being naïve in taking their word when they didn’t have any.
As a parent, I struggled with whether I helped too much with homework, nagged too much or was being naïve in taking their word when they didn’t have any.
Homework. There is something about that word, years after I finished with school, that still sends shivers down my spine.
I forgot today was Library Day for my daughter at school, and here sits her library book on the end table by our front door. I feel awful.
As a parent, I struggled with whether I helped too much with homework, nagged too much or was being naïve in taking their word when they didn’t have any.
Homework. There is something about that word, years after I finished with school, that still sends shivers down my spine.
I forgot today was Library Day for my daughter at school, and here sits her library book on the end table by our front door. I feel awful.