As a mom of a newly minted teenage boy and a tween girl, I must admit, I’m getting a bit scared about what I’m in for over the next few years. Teen parenting? Don’t know as I’m ready for it. There’s tons of help for parents of babies and toddlers…but I feel like the teen years are a bit of the wild west of parenting. No one wants to talk about what happens because it’s all just too much. So I asked my fellow #RealityMoms who have survived teen parenting—what am I looking at? And they didn’t pull any punches.
Well, I have a preteen and just dealing with the emotions is a bit difficult. I’ve always known I would have to go through it but its a bit strange when it’s your own child. I’m not ready…but honestly, can you ever truly be ready for puberty to hit? ~ Kiley, Cherry Blossoms the Blog
Knowing when to let your teenager make a mistake is challenging—especially when you’re dealing with the consequences and helping them navigate the path forward. It’s also hard to realize they have grown into capable people making decisions that, even though you disagree with, are really mature. ~ Joy, Evil Joy Speaks
Allowing them to make mistakes you know you could help them avoid but knowing as a parent they have to let them learn these important life lessons. Teresa, Making It All Work
Parents need to have thick skin when raising teens. This is really hard when you are a very sensitive person and take everything your teen says to heart. Where did that sweet child that couldn’t get enough of me when he was a toddler disappear to? ~ Monica, How To Win College Scholarships
In ways both good and bad, they take our breath away. ~ Cheryl, No Sick Days for Mom
Letting go at each milestone. I’m so used to planning, preparing, and overseeing each step of every day when they are little. As they turn into teenagers they slowly take over different parts of their days. It’s wonderful and painful at the same time. That, and the attitudes—those are fun. ~ Dana, 39ish Life