This shopper has been compensated by SheSpeaks, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company and Mondelez International group. All opinions are mine alone.
Ritz Blitz Blowout with Ritz Crackers and Coca-Cola
When I was in my twenties I had no clue what it would be like ten years later. In fact, sports was not even something I thought about outside of the intramural sports I played in high school and college. I didn’t grow up insports-obsessedsed family. The thought of spending every weekend and most weekdays watching football with my family? I’d have told you there was no way.
Fast forward and here I am. Sharing with you the game time goodies I have managed to easily maintain as a mom to two boys and a wife to a sports freak. Totally! (In his defense, he runs a sports radio station so it comes with his territory. lol) In my ten years of marriage and nine years of being a mother I have learned a lot about the gridiron and how much the love of a game can bring a family together.
In a house filled with sports fans, weekends are filled with football this time of year. Fun, right? Definitely! If it means my family comes together to hang out and root for their favorite teams – I’m in. Go Mom! That’s what is heard around my house nearly every weekend from September to the Big Game in February.
Philadelphia is lit up for their team this season and it’s fun to get neighbors together to enjoy the games too. Honestly, it doesn’t matter one second that there is a football game on. What matters most is there is lots of great food to chomp on! I always make sure I bring a cheesy something made with my magic Ritz Cracker stash. And have you seen the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar drinks? LOVE them!
Let’s just get something crystal clear here. I am NOT the best cook in the world. I know. I know. You’re thinking now how could that be, right? It’s totally true. However, I am the best and being creative with my cooking and my fun new recipe makes me look like a master chef in a minute! Considering we lived in Philadelphia, I thought it would be nice to create a dip with cheesesteaks!
The Ritz Blitz Blowout is a family favorite so I stocked up on the ingredients during a recent trip to Walmart. I line the bottom of a server with shredded beef. It becomes the ‘line of scrimmage’ for all the cracker dipping. A layer of shredded beef, provolone or, caramelized onions, then topped with Ritz Cracker crumbs. Bake it for 5 minutes. Drizzle shredded cheese on top and let your Ritz Cracker take a dip.
With the goal of running a healthier house, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar fit perfectly! I have to tell you, every time I drink Coca-Cola I remember my grandparents taking me to a local malt shop as a kid. The nostalgia is worth every last sip! With no artificial flavors or preservatives since 1886, we call all reminisce!
I always love giving hi-fives to the brands I love. I hope you’ll swing over and say hi too! Now let’s get our dip on #TogetherforGameTime!
(Oh! Go win a fab prize too! Everybody loves to win – not just teams!)
- Twitter – @ritzcrackers,
- Facebook – @ritzcrackers,
- Instagram – @ritzcrackers
- Twitter – @cocacola,
- Facebook – @cocacolaunitedstates,
- Instagram – @cocacola
This shopper has been compensated by SheSpeaks, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company and Mondelez International group. All opinions are mine alone.
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