Real You

My Kids Take Melatonin: Don’t Judge Me

My children take melatonin. Every. Single. Night. We refer to their nightly doses as their “meds.” As in, “Are you ready to brush your teeth, or do you still need your meds?”

Five More Minutes

Five more minutes has forever been the lament of my son. It started with bedtimes when he was young, and continued through to high school.

Motherhood Means Letting Go

I consider walking him right back to our house where he belongs because he is not ready for school. Still, I know the truth: He is plenty ready—I am not.

My Kids Take Melatonin: Don’t Judge Me

My children take melatonin. Every. Single. Night. We refer to their nightly doses as their “meds.” As in, “Are you ready to brush your teeth, or do you still need your meds?”

Five More Minutes

Five more minutes has forever been the lament of my son. It started with bedtimes when he was young, and continued through to high school.

Motherhood Means Letting Go

I consider walking him right back to our house where he belongs because he is not ready for school. Still, I know the truth: He is plenty ready—I am not.