Real You

When It Hits Close to Home

This one felt different. It was closer to home than ever before. This time, my children are old enough to see the news and ask questions.

There is No “Just” in Adoption

The next time someone says, “you can just adopt”, feel free to kindly remind them that adoption is much harder than one would ever guess.

Lost and Found

Learning to find my way home when I was lost, has allowed me to teach my three children that they, too, can go wherever they want to.

Painting the Yellow Room

When we got our new house, we painted one of the rooms yellow. I always thought of it as the baby’s room. And then I had fertility issues.

My Kids Take Melatonin: Don’t Judge Me

My children take melatonin. Every. Single. Night. We refer to their nightly doses as their “meds.” As in, “Are you ready to brush your teeth, or do you still need your meds?”

When It Hits Close to Home

This one felt different. It was closer to home than ever before. This time, my children are old enough to see the news and ask questions.

There is No “Just” in Adoption

The next time someone says, “you can just adopt”, feel free to kindly remind them that adoption is much harder than one would ever guess.

Lost and Found

Learning to find my way home when I was lost, has allowed me to teach my three children that they, too, can go wherever they want to.

Painting the Yellow Room

When we got our new house, we painted one of the rooms yellow. I always thought of it as the baby’s room. And then I had fertility issues.

My Kids Take Melatonin: Don’t Judge Me

My children take melatonin. Every. Single. Night. We refer to their nightly doses as their “meds.” As in, “Are you ready to brush your teeth, or do you still need your meds?”