The Real-est

When Parenting Doesn’t Go As Planned

These two teens living in my house, have survived every parenting mistake I have made. No one is perfect; we are all learning as we go. And that is the one lesson, the most important lesson I have learned; as long as I am doing the best I can do, they are going to thrive.

A Love Letter to My Last Child

Dear last child of mine, You are the last baby I will hold, the last baby whose soft body I will smell, the last one I will feed and comfort at night.

Top 10 Risky Behaviors of Teen Drivers

Reality sets in when your kid slides behind the wheel. Having a teen driver can turn a laid-back parent into a hand-wringing, nail-biting nervous nelly.

How to Make Every Day Earth Day

As a mother of a family of six, I’m very aware of our carbon footprint. But with a few simple sets, we make every day Earth Day!

9 Reasons I Love Having Adult Children

rather than dwell on the growing pains of change in our relationship, I prefer to celebrate the positive side of being a parent to my adult kids. And there are so many reasons why…

When Parenting Doesn’t Go As Planned

These two teens living in my house, have survived every parenting mistake I have made. No one is perfect; we are all learning as we go. And that is the one lesson, the most important lesson I have learned; as long as I am doing the best I can do, they are going to thrive.

A Love Letter to My Last Child

Dear last child of mine, You are the last baby I will hold, the last baby whose soft body I will smell, the last one I will feed and comfort at night.

Top 10 Risky Behaviors of Teen Drivers

Reality sets in when your kid slides behind the wheel. Having a teen driver can turn a laid-back parent into a hand-wringing, nail-biting nervous nelly.

How to Make Every Day Earth Day

As a mother of a family of six, I’m very aware of our carbon footprint. But with a few simple sets, we make every day Earth Day!

9 Reasons I Love Having Adult Children

rather than dwell on the growing pains of change in our relationship, I prefer to celebrate the positive side of being a parent to my adult kids. And there are so many reasons why…