The Real-est

Top 10 Risky Behaviors of Teen Drivers

Reality sets in when your kid slides behind the wheel. Having a teen driver can turn a laid-back parent into a hand-wringing, nail-biting nervous nelly.

Navigating The Summer Before College

If your daughter is heading to college next fall, you’re probably in the same place I was last year. It was my daughter’s last summer before college.

How to Make Every Day Earth Day

As a mother of a family of six, I’m very aware of our carbon footprint. But with a few simple sets, we make every day Earth Day!

9 Reasons I Love Having Adult Children

rather than dwell on the growing pains of change in our relationship, I prefer to celebrate the positive side of being a parent to my adult kids. And there are so many reasons why…

Working Momma Blues

This morning started like any other Monday morning. Frantic. Rushed. Yelling “I’m turning off the TV if you don’t put your socks on! We need to go!”

When Your Child Says ‘I Hate You’

Her words, I hate you, kept playing over in my head. I could feel her hostility towards me, the mere fact I was standing in her room, had her head spinning.

Top 10 Risky Behaviors of Teen Drivers

Reality sets in when your kid slides behind the wheel. Having a teen driver can turn a laid-back parent into a hand-wringing, nail-biting nervous nelly.

Navigating The Summer Before College

If your daughter is heading to college next fall, you’re probably in the same place I was last year. It was my daughter’s last summer before college.

How to Make Every Day Earth Day

As a mother of a family of six, I’m very aware of our carbon footprint. But with a few simple sets, we make every day Earth Day!

9 Reasons I Love Having Adult Children

rather than dwell on the growing pains of change in our relationship, I prefer to celebrate the positive side of being a parent to my adult kids. And there are so many reasons why…

Working Momma Blues

This morning started like any other Monday morning. Frantic. Rushed. Yelling “I’m turning off the TV if you don’t put your socks on! We need to go!”

When Your Child Says ‘I Hate You’

Her words, I hate you, kept playing over in my head. I could feel her hostility towards me, the mere fact I was standing in her room, had her head spinning.