staying healthy

It’s Been a Year…

It’s been over a year. It was Friday, March 6, 2020. I booked a babysitter and told Jeff we were going to happy hour. That was our last outing for months—everything shut down the following Monday.

Feeling Safe is the End Game

An anxious child worries about everything—but you don’t necessarily know that. But as a mom, it’s your job to make sure that your child is feeling safe…

Dear 29-Year-Old Me

Good job on your twenties! You’ve made some bold and brave decisions. Even better, you’ve had some spectacular failures and learned so many things.

Big And Happy

I must have been ten years old when I overheard an older cousin

It’s Been a Year…

It’s been over a year. It was Friday, March 6, 2020. I booked a babysitter and told Jeff we were going to happy hour. That was our last outing for months—everything shut down the following Monday.

Feeling Safe is the End Game

An anxious child worries about everything—but you don’t necessarily know that. But as a mom, it’s your job to make sure that your child is feeling safe…

Dear 29-Year-Old Me

Good job on your twenties! You’ve made some bold and brave decisions. Even better, you’ve had some spectacular failures and learned so many things.

Big And Happy

I must have been ten years old when I overheard an older cousin