Why Do Parents Call their Children by the Wrong Name?
Researchers asked 1,700 people if they ever called someone by the wrong name. Have you ever done it?
Researchers asked 1,700 people if they ever called someone by the wrong name. Have you ever done it?
Grandma, you are one of the smartest people I’ve ever known, putting you in the company of Oxford laureates. You were and are beautiful and brilliant.
My dad served his country, ready to defend it with his life for over two decades. I feel a fierce pride and Veterans Day reminds me of that pride.
After a decade of marriage, birthing four mini-me’s, and turning into a SAHM,
If it’s not retarded, it might be “short bus” or even a word so seemingly benign as “special”. But make no mistake—there’s no love behind these words.
Until now, I thought that I was the reason that things went well when I left my husband with the kids. But now, I’ve realized that it takes teamwork to make it work.
My best friend of a decade is going through a divorce. She has three young children and ending the marriage was not her choice.
I wasn’t the things the world rolls its eyes about women. I wasn’t a pumpkin-spiced, infinity scarfed hot mess who dotted her i’s with hearts with a pretty pink pen on scented paper. That wasn’t me, y’all.
My mom has decided now that she’s 71, it’s time to say f-you
When we declared, “in sickness and in health, until death do us part” neither of us had any idea how meaningful those words would become.
Researchers asked 1,700 people if they ever called someone by the wrong name. Have you ever done it?
Grandma, you are one of the smartest people I’ve ever known, putting you in the company of Oxford laureates. You were and are beautiful and brilliant.
My dad served his country, ready to defend it with his life for over two decades. I feel a fierce pride and Veterans Day reminds me of that pride.
After a decade of marriage, birthing four mini-me’s, and turning into a SAHM,
If it’s not retarded, it might be “short bus” or even a word so seemingly benign as “special”. But make no mistake—there’s no love behind these words.
Until now, I thought that I was the reason that things went well when I left my husband with the kids. But now, I’ve realized that it takes teamwork to make it work.
My best friend of a decade is going through a divorce. She has three young children and ending the marriage was not her choice.
I wasn’t the things the world rolls its eyes about women. I wasn’t a pumpkin-spiced, infinity scarfed hot mess who dotted her i’s with hearts with a pretty pink pen on scented paper. That wasn’t me, y’all.
My mom has decided now that she’s 71, it’s time to say f-you
When we declared, “in sickness and in health, until death do us part” neither of us had any idea how meaningful those words would become.