Premature Anxiety: Out Too Soon

We may have been safe, but we were not unscathed. I felt the potential catastrophes around each corner. And in the shadows lurked the great What Ifs. The Could Have Beens packed themselves into each crack of my surface.

I Think I’m Failing Kindergarten

I think I’m failing Kindergarten. My pre-parenthood M.O. was to avoid the stuff that overwhelmed me. Especially school. Because math.

In Defense of Unusual Baby Names

The first day of school would inevitably include the correction of my name in the vast majority of rolls called. It’s not “Rhianna” or “Rhiawwna.” I don’t know why people seem to assume the “n” is silent.

No Underwater Piano for My Kid

Underscheduled? My daughter looks at hobbies like a buffet—today she is on another ballet kick, last month it was pottery. She can’t pick just one.