Top 10 Risky Behaviors of Teen Drivers
Reality sets in when your kid slides behind the wheel. Having a teen driver can turn a laid-back parent into a hand-wringing, nail-biting nervous nelly.
Reality sets in when your kid slides behind the wheel. Having a teen driver can turn a laid-back parent into a hand-wringing, nail-biting nervous nelly.
College applications are pretty much finished and submitted. Now the waiting starts—the agonizing waiting to hear did your teen get in or not?
Today, I am thinking about new ways to think about resolutions. Maybe it will be how I approach each day.
Anger is a typical, healthy emotional response to outside stressors. How do we help our teens feel anger without going overboard?
As college drop-off day approaches, you and your teens are likely to wrestle with a wide range of emotions. Remember to breathe.
I catch him lying, he knows he’s lying, he knows I know he’s lying…and he lies anyway.
As a parent, I struggled with whether I helped too much with homework, nagged too much or was being naïve in taking their word when they didn’t have any.
As new mothers, we all want to know the secret that all the other good moms seem to know. Here are ten tips that will help you, mama.
But when they do get into college (and they will), how do we know if they are ready to go? How do we let go as parents this year—on some things—but not everything? How do WE know they are prepared, and what can we do to ensure they are?
Spring is here and with it the time-honored mother/daughter prom dress shopping expedition. An entire day of bonding—what could be better?