I Work Out – And I Refuse to Apologize for It
Nearly every day I make time to work out. It doesn’t always fit into my schedule and sometimes things suffer when I force my workout into my schedule.
Nearly every day I make time to work out. It doesn’t always fit into my schedule and sometimes things suffer when I force my workout into my schedule.
I take issue with the ‘modesty’ pads in sports bras. You know—those pads that sometimes are removable and keep the world at large from knowing when you’re cold.
I don’t care if my kids swear. I do care if you’re judging me for it.
This womb is closed for business. Done. Over it. That ship has sailed. My port is closed. How many more ways do I need to say it?
I waited. I didn’t call her out on her lie. I just cocked my head a little, looked her back straight in the eye and waited for her to blink.
As a mother of a family of six, I’m very aware of our carbon footprint. But with a few simple sets, we make every day Earth Day!
My family approaches Black Friday Shopping in a scientific manner. Research is done and comparisons are charted and documented.
I always thought epipens were for kids with severe reactions to foods. I had no idea that I would be a candidate for one.
My baby is growing up. She’s gone from napping to texting, walking to playing club sports, learning to eat solid foods to cooking dinner for our family.
Summer sports, camps, trips, boredom, and crafts take over my world, space, and mind. I find myself spinning in circles some days.