Good heavens. Are you seriously surviving your summer?! I decided to take the summer off (I mean, sort of.) I decided to bump down business and bump up motherhood. I came to the realization that my little has one year left before kindergarten and my oldest is close to the ‘I’m too cool for you’ attitude. That is something I’m NOT looking forward to considering half my girlfriends tell me daily what an absolute pure hell it is having tweens and teens in their lives.
So I’m “play mom” and being all crafty cool and stuff (at least for the summer.)
This morning my little humans joined me on Fox 29 in Philly to share some really great summer survival ideas to do with your kids. We had two segments: one for the big kids and one for the little kids. Let’s just say water play will win any day!
What did we talk about?
Water Wubble Ball seemed to be the biggest hit. They are reusable water balloons! Who would have thunk it? They are water balloons you can continue to battle your kids with. Of course, there are other fun things we talked about that you can do with your kids.
And, of course, I stole them ALL off Pinterest. Pfft. Fail? You tell me!
By the way – mega thanks to my Flanagan’s PreSchool in the Philly area for letting us play with you today! They make motherhood easier…